If the applicant has give you a position as example can you tell me the qualificatio and/or work experience requirements for that position? do you meet the requirements? if there is a gap between your qualification/work experience and the requirements of the job, are there any other elements in your circumstance that could convince the employer to offer the job to you?
As you may
be aware we are experiencing recession in many industries. Is your industry affected by the recession? are you aware of any changes in the labour market demand? how does it affect you ability to readily obtain skilled employment?
If you were not successful in finding skilled employment, what would you do?
What has motivated you to want to emigrate from China?
What is your current living situation?
Why do you think you have the ability to settle into New Zealand successfully?
What has motivated you to consider migrating to New Zealand at this time?
Apart from you home country and New Zealand, have you ever lived in any other country? Did you find the experience challenging?
Have you ever been to New Zealand?
How long did you spend there?
Where did you visit in New Zealand?
When did you start to think about migrating to New Zealand?
What preparations have you completed towards migrating to New Zealand since then?
Have you thought about where you might live?
What attracts you to that area, eg climate, lifestyle, contacts, education facilities?
What do you think will be the difficulties you might encounter in settling in New Zealand?
What are those things that you think you will have to adjust to if you live in New Zealand?
Please tell me your top three priorities for settling in New Zealand
Do you have family members in other countries?
Have you considered migrating to these countries?
What plans do you have to help you and your children (where applicable) settle in New Zealand?
Have you looked into any voluntary work and/or community activities in New Zealand? (eg. Childcare, school involvement, service organisations)
Do you think you will find adjusting to New Zealand easy or difficult?
What similarities do you see between your country and New Zealand?
What differences are you aware of in New Zealand?
Do you think your adjustment will be relatively quick or will it take some time?
What does it cost to rent or buy a house in that area?
Do you have any family and/or friends in New Zealand? If so, who and where. How often do you have contact with them?
What level of support do they provide you with?
What accommodation have you arranged for your arrival?
Tell me how will you find permanent accommodation?
What kind of support do you expect from family/friends in New Zealand?(for family and friends, determine background e.g. relationship, date of migration to New Zealand, family status, etc..)
Level of ongoing contact with family/friends over the last 3 years Information provided eg. job, housing, schools, living costs Info provided by family/friends/agent? Yes/no
Rental cost:
Schooling cost:
Initial accommodation provided/offered?
Assistance to find permanent accommodation/employment/schools
What do your family/friends in New Zealand do?
We would like to contact your family/friends in New Zealand. Can you give me their contact details?