加拿大移民体检项目清单 | |
Has the applicant been previously examined for immigration into Canada? (Yes or No, if Yes, please show Date, City and Country) | 申请人是否曾经为移民加拿大而接受体格检查?(是或否,如果是,请提供时间地点) |
Has the applicant used addictive or mood alerting drugs? (Yes or No) | 申请人是否服用上瘾药物或兴奋剂?(是或否) |
Does the applicant consume alcohol? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) | 申请人是否酗酒?(是或否,如果是,数量?) |
Does the applicant smoke or has the applicant ever smoked tobacco? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) | 申请人是否吸烟或曾经吸烟?(是或否,如果是,数量?) |
Has the applicant ever suffered from or been told he had any of the following conditions? (Yes or No) | |
Head or neck injury | 头部或颈部受伤 |
Nose or throat trouble | 鼻或喉疾病 |
Ear trouble or deafness | 耳部疾病或耳聋 |
Eye trouble | 眼疾 |
Chronic cough or asthma | 慢性咳嗽或气喘 |
Tuberculosis | 肺痨 |
Other lung disease | 其他肺部疾病 |
High blood pressure | 高血压 |
Heart trouble | 心脏病 |
Rheumatic fever | 风湿性热 |
Diabetes mellitus | 糖尿病 |
Endocrine disorders | 内分泌疾病 |
Cancer or tumor | 癌或肺瘤 |
Rheumatism, joint or back troubles | 风湿性关节或脊背疾病 |
Mental disorders | 精神病 |
Fainting spells, fitsor seizures | 突发性眩晕,痉挛或癫痫 |
Chro nic skin condition | 皮肤病 |
Stomach pain or ulcer | 胃病或溃疡 |
Other abdominal trouble | 其他肠胃疾病 |
Kidney or bladder trouble | 肾病或膀胱疾病 |
Sexually transmitted disease | 性病 |
HIV positive | HIV阳性 |
Genetic or Familial disorders | 遗传性疾病 |
Typhoid fever, malaria, tropical disease | 伤寒、疟疾或热带病 |
Operations | 曾经动过手术 |
Have you ever had a blood transfusion | 曾经接受输血 |
Is the applicant now taking any medication or receiving treatment which must be continued in the future? (Yes or No) | 申请人是否正在服药或要继续治疗?(是或否) |
Please elaborate on all amp;quotyes" answers of questions include significant dates and know treatment. | 对以上回答"是"的问题请详细说明,包括治疗日期。 |
Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician. | 体格检查,由检验医生完成本报告。 |
Upon medical examination are there any abnormalities of the following: 体检中是否发现以下不正常的情况: | |
Head and Neck | 头和颈部 |
Mouth and throat | 口腔和喉部 |
Ears | 耳 |
nose | 鼻 |
Eyes including fundi | 眼睛包括眼底 |
Heart | 心脏 |
Chest, lungs and breast | 胸、肺和乳房 |
Abdomen, liver, spleen,etc. | 腹部、肚、脾等 |
Genito-urinary system | 泌尿生殖系统 |
Hernial sites | 疝气 |
Extremities and spine | 脊柱和四肢 |
Nervous system | 神经系统 |
Skin including surgical scars | 皮肤包括手术疤痕 |
Lymphatic system | 淋巴系统 |
Evidence of mental abnormality | 精神病症状 |
Any other abnormalities | 其他不正常情况 |
Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L.M.P. | 女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期 |
Is the applicant now taking medication or receiving treatment of any kind? If so, specify | 申请人目前是否服用药物或接受其他治疗?如是,请说明 |
Height | 身高 |
Weight | 体重 |
Visual acuity with glasses if worn | 视力(如近视则测矫正视力) |
Hearing whispered voice (normal: 6 meters(20 feet)) | 听力 |
Blood pressure | 血压 |
If abnormal repeat B.P. after resting | 如果不正常,稍后再量 |
Pulse rate | 脉搏 |
Pulse rhythm | 脉搏节率 |
Mental development | 智力发育(正常与否) |
Please elaborate on all amp;quotyes" answers or abnormalities 请对回答是"是"的问题加以详细说明 | |
Routine blood serologial tests for syphils (Candidates 15 years of age and older) | 梅毒常规血清试验(15岁以下申请人免检) |
FTA-ABS.(only in VDRL positive) Urinalysis (Candidates 5 years of ages and older) | 尿检(5岁以下免检) |
Protein | 蛋白 |
Sugar | 糖 |
Microscopic | 显微镜检验结果 |
If abnormal, repeat. Large postero anterior chest X-ray film and report (required for all applicants 11 years of ages and older) 所有11岁以上人士必须进行X光检查。 |